Monday, July 20, 2009

Seriously....NO FEAR

We walk to the park every day for lunch and occasionally Payden rides his bike. Well on our way to the park last week, I noticed that neither one of his training wheels were touching the ground. I called Shayne at work laughing and said that we should take them off. When he got home, we took off one of the wheels and left the other just so he had a little help getting started. Shayne left it on for a day and then just decided to take it off and see what would happen. He noticed that it was missing and started to get upset. Shayne took him out on the grass and gave him a push and he has been without training wheels ever since. He rides circles around his sister and almost around his dad. His favorite place to ride is the school by our house because it has ramps and curbs that he can jump. He makes me so nervous sometimes because he literally has NO FEAR and even Shayne has been telling him that he needs to slow down. I have a feeling though that this is not going to happen:)

We had heard that on the 18th of July at the Pioneer Day celebration any child under 50 lbs and over the age of 4 could do Muttin Bustin. I told Payden about it and he said that he wanted to do it. Well I was a slacker and didn't get him signed up by the deadline and was hoping that he wouldn't remember:{. Well we got to the fairgrounds and they were signing kids up right then and there and the minute he saw this he wanted to sign up. Grandma said that he probably shouldn't because he only had flip-flops on but I figured he would be fine and just let him sign up. His number was 59 and they said that they might not get to his number in time, but it all worked out and he was able to ride. He did so good and held on real tight but we forgot to tell him to keep his mouth closed so he ended up with a mouth full of dirt, YUCK!!! He was upset that he didn't get a trophy but he did end up getting a blue ribbon which was pretty cool:).


Aaron and Kira Adams said...

I did not know that he did the mutin bustin... we would have come and watched! Glad to hear that he had a great time. We went for a little bit and about died in the heat!

Autumn said...

Oh I love seeing the kids again. What a little cutie Payden is, actually all of them. They truely bring a smile to my face and make my days so much happier!